Neruda said....

Si nada nos salva de la muerte, al menos que el amor nos salve de la vida

lunes, 7 de julio de 2008

chaotic enumeration by me. My world, my mind.

Somebody rescue me, refill me, tell me, stay with me, run at me, sos me, teach me, live me, use me, talk me, reach me, throw me, read me, undestand me, you... me... nothing else matters at this moment, clean me, hold me, hug me, scream?, memorabilia me, call me, hate me, love me, sing me, write me, look for me, maltrate me, watch me, fight me, complice me, wait me, give me, finish me, absorb me, guard me, shut up me, cry me, welcome me, make me fly, make me feel nothing else matters as you want I'll accept, make me live, make me dream with you, make me dont feel :$, listen to me, make me feel usefull, feel me, smell me, kick me, kill me, make me feel you forgot me, say that: hurt me with the trut-I'll understand. No replicaion-I'm unique-just like everyone. STOP ME. half filled? where is it? the cats have 7 or 9 lifes (whatever) I just have one (I think so) Make me see the truth, let me know what it feels like, DREAM 4 EVAH.- REST. I cant hold on too much more.Nobody know my best problem. Stop this madness NOW. fu**ing jealous

hoy en filosofía,
acompañado x un lápiz y un cuaderno
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